1,200 Construction Site Fatalities Per Year in Texas
Construction is one of the largest industries in the United States, employing over six million people nationwide. It is a vital part of our economy and a good bell weather indicator of how well it’s doing. However, being a construction worker is also one of the most dangerous of all occupations. With over 8,000 people killed on job sites every year (about 1,200 in Texas alone). Furthermore many, many thousands more injured. The impact of these injuries can be devastating, not only to you the worker. But also to your family that depends on you and your paycheck, you bring home every week.
Some of the hazards
The reason construction is such a dangerous occupation is obvious; sites, where buildings are under construction, can be very dangerous. State and federal regulators have passed rules intended to make construction sites safer. However, there are any number of ways for construction workers to be killed or injured:
Excavations can cave in.
Workers can fall off scaffolding and ladders.
Tools can be used improperly or can fail.
Cranes can drop loads on workers’ heads.
Even exposure to loud machinery can result in hearing loss.
Building contracts often require Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Unfortunately, suits involving injured construction workers are often more difficult to handle than other kinds of injury cases for several reasons. Some employers are covered by workers’ compensation insurance, while others are not.
In many cases, an injury or death at a construction site involves the acts of many workers employed by different companies. Each of whom is pointing at someone else as the party responsible. Finally, the question of liability can turn on whether a party is the property owner, the general contractor, the subcontractor, or someone else.
Because of these complexities
It is vital to have a lawyer involved in construction injury cases as early as possible. If you are facing the aftermath of a construction accident, we will help you navigate the challenges these cases present and make sure that you get the compensation you deserve. If you or someone you know has been hurt in a construction accident, call us.
Finally, if you need a Construction Injury Lawyer or a wrongful death lawyer, Joey Messina at Messina Law Firm is here for you. Furthermore, contact our legal staff if you’d like a free no-obligation consultation with your construction injury case.