Increasing Number Of Cases Of Elder Abuse
It is a sad fact, but, with the increase in the numbers of the elderly, there is a similar increase in the number of abuses done to them. Whether that abuse takes the form of physical violence or simply just neglect. Sadly the problem is a growing one. Report elder abuse whenever you see or hear of it.
It’s the law to report elderly abuse.
In order to fight elder abuse, Texas law requires that if you believe that an elderly or disabled person has been abused or neglected you are actually required by law to report it.
Report events to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services or to local police.
Not doing so can result in you being charged with a crime.
Not reporting the abuse of an elderly person is a crime. Given that the elderly or disabled person is probably entirely dependent on their caregiver. The elderly person may be unwilling, unable, or feel too scared to report abuse on their own.
Symptoms of abuse or neglect
Symptoms of abuse or neglect range from the obvious to the not so obvious. Such as reports of abuse or assault, frequent or unexplained injuries, or a lack of sufficient food. Or rather, to the more subtle. Such as passive or emotionless behavior, fear of being alone with a caretaker, and being left alone for long periods of time.
How to report abuse
Reports of abuse may be made by you calling or in writing, and you should try to include…
The name and address of the elderly person being abused.
The name and address of the person or facility responsible for the abuse.
Information about the abuse that is suspected, and any other relevant information.
Finally, the abuse should be reported toll free at 1-800-252-5400 to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. To report elderly abuse, please see the information available here.
If you have a loved one you feel is being abused, report it. Then contact Joey Messina, he will meet with you free of charge, to see if you have a negligence case that may be brought against the abuser or the facility involved.